Sunday, 1 September 2013

Anxiety/Panic Attacks.

The reason that I'm writing this post is to help others, to let them know that opening up about it is a good thing and that you don't have to bottle things up.
Easier said than done I know! I always bottle up my problems and I'm always there to make sure everyone else is ok before thinking of my own health. I've suffered with extreme anxiety and panic attacks since I were about 18 (I'm now 22), but they have been a lot worse over the last couple of years.

For those of you that don't know what a panic attack or anxiety is:
Anxiety is a feeling of unease. The feeling of unease can range from mild to severe, and can include feelings of worry and fear. A panic attack occurs when your body experiences a rush of intense psychological (mental) and physical symptoms. You may feel an overwhelming sense of fear, apprehension and anxiety. As well as these feelings, you may also experience physical symptoms.  They make your body feel as though you are in danger. The attacks themselves usually last a couple of hours for me that's including the build up and the after affects, but yours could be totally different to mine as mine change all the time too. Most of the time they last between 5-20 minutes. I don't think I've had any that are the same so don't brand them with what I may list.
When my anxiety is bad it usually makes me feel faint, sick, scared, nervous, upset, stressed and drained. Then when I'm having an attack it makes me feel like I can't breathe (some say that your mind thinks you're having a heart attack) and your heart beats really fast, you feel as though your going to pass out, have hot and cold sweats and at it's worst you feel like you're dying. I won't go into any personal details as to what triggers mine or what could of caused it. The way my attacks come out could be very different to how yours may be if you suffer from it. If you suffer from them on more than one occasion, get to know your panic attacks or what may trigger them. You'll find ways of reducing them, making you feel better and coming out of that zone that you can be stuck in for a lengthy period of time.

All I would say and recommend is please don't go through it on your own, it's not nice to go through things without talking to anyone and feeling like you can't confide in someone. I went to the doctors with mine as it took me along time to tell my family and friends about what I were going through as it's hard for them to understand how you feel. What I've found is that no one can sympathise with you enough until they have been through something similar themselves. I find it hard to open up to my loved one's about how I feel and how it affects my life. Sometimes you just sit there and wish that you could just be normal... but what is normal?

When I've got bad anxiety or I've come around from a panic attack there's a few things that help me.
  • Making a list of everything that's bothering you at the moment in time. Whatever it is that you're feeling it's not going to feel that way forever. You just have to keep reminding yourself of this.
  • Talk to someone.. whether it be a doctor, friend, family member etc. Don't go through anything alone.
  • Have a big pamper night... I usually pop on a Face mask, light some candles, have a hot bubble bath, read one of my favourite Paige Toon books (currently on Pictures Of Lily) or treat myself to a spot of shopping online.
  • Make plans with your friends or family, get yourself out of the house. It is hard to push yourself but you will feel so much better when you've done it.
  • Set yourself some little goals to help you get back into your daily routine.
  • Tell yourself that you CAN do it :)
  • Keeping things positive!
Two things I do avoid when I'm having a rough time is drinking caffeine and alcohol it doesn't help at all, it actually makes it a lot worse than it already is for me.

This is very personal for me to talk about and to openly admit that I suffer from an anxiety disorder. I just hope that anyone reading this that also suffers doesn't feel like they're going through it alone and that it affects a lot of us. One in three people usually go through something similar once in their lifetime. I will always be supportive of people that suffer with anything like this and just want to say a big thank you to anyone that's been there for me through my worst days, I don't know what I'd have done without you xxx

Just keep going :)



  1. I get panic attacks quite bad too and you're so right that caffeine and alcohol can make it so much worse! I've completely cut out caffeine now and I can really tell the difference xx

    1. You would never think that little things like that can make it so much worse. Thanks for being open and I hope you're ok :) xxx

  2. I'm so proud that you can talk openly about things that are extremely personal if they can help other people. I admire that so much.


    1. This comment means a lot to me :)
      Thank you for being so kind and sweet lovely xxxxx

  3. Passing on to a friend I know who goes through this! Thanks for your transparency!


  4. This is a very brave post, i used to suffer from panic attacks and i was always afraid to speak about them. I finally got help, and CBT really helped. part of this was setting little goals, and then these little goals started to get bigger over time. hope you find it gets easier for you. very helpful post.


    1. I've recently been looking into CBT as I've heard a lot of good outcomes from this :) Thank you for sharing lovely.
      I hope my little goals turn into big goals too. Just need a lot of patience at the moment as it's going to take a while.
      Well done for what you've achieved so far :)

      Chanelle Jade xx

  5. I suffer from anxiety really badly and I get panic attacks so often, it's horrible, especially when it's in school when alls you want to do is get on with the work like a normal person, ugh it's so frustrating! I try not to have caffeine as that seemed to set me on edge a lot of the time. Thanks for sharing this post(: xx

    Electra Violet

    1. Bless you hun :( I suffer with mine within work/public a lot too and it's awful! You feel like you're going crazy and would give anything to be able to plod on like everybody else.
      It feels better to get it off of your chest and speak about it, I hope my post has helped :)
      Chanelle Jade xx

  6. One of my friends used to have really bad panic attacks. It's so nice to see someone opening up about it, as she used to really try and keep it bottled up and didn't want to mention it, so no one never knew how to help her. Thank you for sharing. xox

    1. Ahh I feel for your friend :( I did the same thing an awful lot at first and you just get so frustrated with yourself. I hope your friends a lot better and has great support now :)
      Chanelle Jade xx

  7. This post made me feel a lot better knowing i am not the only one that suffers from severe anxiety! I think anxiety is very common in people. It is difficult to overcome but i know someday we will be able to! ♡ :)

    Mia ♡ Une Jolie Vie

    1. Anxiety is very common in everybody, it just comes out in different ways and people deal with it different to others too. My heart goes out to anyone that suffers like I have. It's nice to be able to speak with people who know exactly what I'm talking about.
      I hope we can overcome it too sweetie :) Thank you for sharing.
      Chanelle Jade xx

  8. hi chanelle :) i really appreciate you sharing your personal view on this and for stepping out and being open about it. someday i wish i can share my own story on my blog too. you are such an encouragement :)

    "Making a list of everything that's bothering you at the moment in time." - i do the same thing and it is very helpful, but i esp like what you said after that - "Whatever it is that you're feeling it's not going to feel that way forever. You just have to keep reminding yourself of this."

    1. Thank you lovely! Your comment means so much to me.
      If you ever want to share your problems or want to speak to someone that knows exactly what you mean, I am only an email away :) It is hard to announce to your friends and family what you're going through I know, but I feel like this should be more of an open topic to talk about and that it doesn't mean you're going crazy or that there's something majorly wrong with you. I hope you start to feel a lot better soon lovely!
      Chanelle Jade xx

    2. thank you chanelle i really appreciate this :)

  9. Such a brave post to wright huni, well done you really explained the symptoms well. It's true that only the people that have gone through this will understand you.
    I've suffered with anxiety & depression for many many years & especially when I became Ill 3 years ago & the one thing that has seriously helped me is CBT therapy, it's helped to change the way I view things to make life more positive. My family now say I'm away with the fairies & far too positive haha, but I'm much happier now.
    Well done again sweetie :) and hope your having a good day!
    Maybe Its Megan Leigh xx

    1. Thank you lovely! I feel for you so much D:
      But I'm so glad and proud of you! That you've managed to turn things around and make your negatives into positives. Well done! It's such an achievement :)
      I've been looking into CBT as a couple of people have recommended it to me before but to be honest I didn't have a clue what it were at the time. My dad usually says that I live in a bubble as it is I dread to think what he will say after this haha! Did you go through the CBT with doctors or online courses? I'm willing to try anything.
      Chanelle Jade x x

    2. Aww thank you :)
      Living away with the fairies in a bubble is the best haha.
      I went thought my doctors Hun & was then put on a waiting list which depending where you live can be quite a wait, so you can always look online & see for private sessions. I really do recommend it. xox

  10. hello darling - you have a beautiful blog!
    Great post - you are so open - it gives courage to others!
    I‘m following you and hope you can follow me back!
    I invite you to my blog:

    1. Thank you so much!
      I'll definitely check out your blog :)
      Thanks for stopping by and following
      Chanelle Jade xx

  11. I suffer from anxiety too and I don't think people realise what it is, so I'm really glad you made this post! :)
    Spider Leg Lashes xo

    1. I would second that a million times if I could :)
      It's so hard to explain to people that have never suffered from it in anyway. Hop you've got yours under control anyway lovely! I'm hoping I can some time soon :)
      Chanlle Jade xx

  12. Such a good post. I don't think people who have never suffered with anxiety or any other mental illness understands what it's like. I'm the same, I feel like when I talk to people who have never experienced anxiety or panic attacks, they don't feel much sympathy or can't really make you feel better.
    Panic attacks are so awful and I wouldn't wish them upon anyone.
    When I was at uni and starting new jobs with those icebreakers were always horrible. Yeah, everyone doesn't like presentations or speaking in front of people, but at times I was so bad with anxiety that I would rather fail the project or quit a job instead. I'm a lot better now with social situations, it's just that spotlight thing that worries me the most.
    You're so brave for posting this xx

    Rachael |

    Que marravilla¡¡estas preciosa
    Me ha gustado mucho valentiar al contarnos esto, te gustaria que nos siguieramos??
    te invito a pasar por mi blog,espero que te guste y te animes.
    Feliz tarde¡¡
    Te espero de vuelta en DOLCE VIRGINIA

  14. So good of you to post this online, very brave. You hit the nail on the head with everything your saying and i wish you all the luck in the world :) x


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