Wednesday, 18 February 2015



Basic in my world usually means I'm feeling boring or I couldn't find anything sassy enough to wear (or maybe I'm just having a lazy day)... I was having a basic wardrobe day today, and what better way to be comfy, with a long ass baggy comfy tee from H&M! I absolutely love the length of these tops and the sleeves, they are a god send! If you're like me and like your tops to cover up your little bottom and those scrawny little arms, you'll love them too. They go nicely with the super stretchy jeggings from H&M also, I have them in several different colours. 

I was having one of those weeks when you pull everything out in your bedroom and realise how much of an hoarder you are. Why do we tend to keep so much junk? and then I came across an old bag that I forgot I even had. I've had this bag for about 3 years. I can remember coming across it online on the River Island website and realising it was in the sale for just £20! It's real leather too. Bargain!

Chanelle Jade
Bindi - eBay
Necklace - River Island
Bag - River Island
Jeggings - H&M

Monday, 16 February 2015


Gone girl is written by an author called Gillian Flynn. I hadn't heard of this author before coming across this book. t purposely didn't go to see this film at the cinemas as I'd heard so many rumours that the book was a whole lot better than the film, which it usually the case anyway. When you've read a book and then go and see a film you're usually let down because they haven't made it like you had imagined the story and they leave so much stuff out that you personally enjoyed reading. So when I saw this book was on offer in Tesco for a bargain price of just £3.85 I had to pick it up, as I hadn't purchased a new book in what felt like ages and I'd liked the sound of this one from what I'd read online and the sneaky peak chapter sample from Amazon.

My Opinion after the first few chapters of the book
I thought I'd write a little snippet of what I think of the book so far, baring in mind I'm only 1/4 of the way through the book. I thought it would be a great idea to look back and see how much my opinion has changed throughout. So first of all let me just say that I've never read a book like this one, it's the layout it's very interesting throughout, it's written in diary form, which skips from one person to another with Amy Elliott Dunne and Nick Dunne. One story starts from the beginning of their love story  and the other is about what is going off right now. Quite genius right? If I'm honest I've preferred reading Amy Elliott Dunne's diary compared to her partners - Nick Dunne. I think it may be because you can see the story from her point of view.I kind of feel sorry for Amy Elliott Dunne at the moment as she seems to get let down a hell of a lot, whilst the other half does whatever he likes (well so it seems).

My opinion after reading the whole book
Boy has it changed! After getting through the half way mark of the book my opinion totally changed. Let's just say you feel totally different to how you felt in the first half. Amy Elliott Dunne is one powerful woman. It's hard to write a book review without giving too much away. So let's juts say: its not your typical thriller. Usually you're reading about their story and how much they've lied to one another, but in this book we are also being manipulated and getting lied to. This book is definitely one of my highest recommend MUST READ books. The book has been written in such an exciting way (don't know if I I've told you already) and has had me on the edge of my seat throughout the whole book. I read this book quite quick as I couldn't seem to put the bloody thing down. It was that bad that I had it in book form and then I'd be staying at my boyfriends on a weekend and ended up downloading it on my kindle book app on my phone too, just so I could read it in bed whilst he went to sleep ha. I was a little disappointed in the ending though, but it's made me wonder if there will be another book to follow?

Have you read this book yet? I'd love to know of some other crime/thriller books just like this one if anyone knows of any? I'll definitely be buying more books by Gillian Flynn that's for sure.

Chanelle Jade


Saturday, 14 February 2015



My Wishlist Wednesday has turned into a Wishlist Saturday and with Black Friday and Blue Monday a distant memory, I wanted to focus on something positive that would also justify a browse around the shops - Valentines gift ideas. I don’t know about everyone else, but I don’t need another teddy bear! Instead, I would love to receive something that I could actually wear that shows off just how well my boyfriend knows me.
Introducing Hawes & Curtis. They have been in the shirt making business since 1913 so they know a thing or two about it - and it shows. Not only do they make some stunning classic white shirts that are an absolute must in everyone’s wardrobe, but their fashion shirt range is full of wonderfully bright colours and fabrics. This cute Milly spot fitted shirt is my favourite of their new arrivals. They also have an amazing range of coordinating accessories and added extras that I would totally appreciate, like the burgundy ladies purse…you can never have too many purses!
You all know just how much I love a hat and their foldaway trilby is ideal as it doesn’t crush like other hats meaning you can take it away with you on holiday. The leopard print brooch is also a firm favourite that I could add to a scarf or one of my oversized coats for a bit of bling. Merino wool is meant to keep you really warm so this black jumper would be ideal in this freezing weather and so would this stunning pair of Dents leather gloves. They are silk lined for extra elegance and would make a welcome addition to my collection.
All men need a bit of help now and again and I think subtly drawing up a list like this wouldn’t do any harm to make sure you get something that you can really thank him for!!

Have you tried Hawes & Curtis shirts? What do you want this Valentine’s Day?
I hope you all have a lovely Valentines Day anyway, whether it be with your partner of with your friends. I've had many galentines over the last few years. Many Valentines spent getting drunk, shaking my thang & waking up wondering why the hell I did that last night haha. This year I have a lovely boyfriend to spend it with - oh so grown up!

Chanelle Jade
fedora - charity shop
trench coat - h&m
shirt - hawes & curtis*
jeggings - h&m
bag - primark
shoes - public desire

Friday, 6 February 2015


I've really got a thing for fishnet/mesh/black or anything with lace lately. So I'm quite surprised to see myself in a white tee! I was also a little late on the slit above the knee jean hype so I decided to make my own and pair it them with my fishnet stockings underneath and of course my lovely dockers that I received off the boyfriend for Christmas. I've pretty much had them on everyday since I got them . He did well ha! Keep them coming baby!

Sorry for the poor photos. I'm not too sure if it's the lipstick that's too dark, my poorly self or the fact that my hair hasn't been washed all week (grot bag) ha. God I'm a right little moaner today. I hope you all have a lovely weekend anyway. Just a quick one today.

Chanelle Jade

fedora - primark
choker - missguided
tee - topshop
jeans - river island
fishnet stockings - ann summers
dr martens - gift from the boyfriend :)

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


Hey anyway cheekies! I hope you're all doing well. I haven't done an outfit post in what feels like forever! So whilst it's not snowing outside I thought I'd jump at the chance of getting some blog photos done. God damn you shitty lighting in the colder seasons. I seem to be swearing a lot today - potty mouth. It's that dreaded hump day it gets me every time. 

Here I'm wearing my favourite skinnies that I own from Topshop. I think white jeans really make a difference in an outfit, they really do stand out. See this outfit would probably of looked really dull and boring if I would of just banged on my everyday black jeans. We've gotta love a bit of monochromeeee from time to time. Sometimes you've gotta step out of that black clothing circle, even if it hurts ha. Can you tell I've used a different camera lens in these photos? I think they look a lot better than the photos I've previously used for outfit posts (I hope you all think the same) ha and yes, my back yard does look like some kind of scrap yard (tip) the shitty weather has taken its toll. I must admit that I do quite like it though.

Oh yeah! Have we noticed anything new *hint hint* my new pet by any chance? I actually have 3, but you can only see one here. HELLO PET DREADS! This one is Pirate and he was my first so it's true love. I really wish I was cool enough to rock a full head of dreads... I'd end up looking like that Cindy doll off Rugrats if I tried. Eeeeeeek you've gotta love em'. 

Chanelle Jade 
hat - charity shop
necklace - missguided
coat - h&m
top - primark (then made into a crop)
jeans - topshop
boots - h&m

Thank you for taking the time to comment/read my blog. Each follow and comment means so much to me :)
I do try to reply to most of the comments left under my blog posts, but sometimes it is hard to comment on every single one. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog & I hope that you will be back to read more <3

If you would like to speak to me or ask me anything then please send me a tweet :)
- @chanellejadebb

Thank you for your time x