Saturday, 11 October 2014



How awesome are all of these items... seriously? I want them all and I want them all now! (please take note santa). I've always seemed to love anything that looks like its made for witches or a bit spooky and the obvious, anything with a pentacle sign on it. Empty Casket stocks a wide range of jewellery from your chokers, to your sterling silver items, crystals and more. They also stock accessories now such as these gorgeous trinket boxes (top left hand corner) which are so handy to store all your favourite little pieces of jewellery, crystals etc. they also stock some really cool looking dream catches and many more items that you'll be lusting after. I do think that the little book of shadows necklace and the Cordella gemstone rings have to be my favourite jewellery items from the Empty Casket range and they've definitely been added to the top of my to buy list, which seems to be never ending.

So there we have my Empty Casket wish list.
I always try and keep up to date with their new stock by following them on Instagram @emptycasket
I'd love to hear which items you like?

Chanelle Jade

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


Who the hell am I kidding? Haha.
If only I looked in the mirror and resembled her in the slightest. WHAT A BABE ! 
I've been really into my dark lip colours this month, especially this little black gem from Lime Crime. I've always loved deep colours, but I've never had the balls to wear them until this last year or so & I couldn't get any darker than the one I'm wearing could I? I suppose that's why I love me some October. 

Last month I picked up this cute little check skirt from New Look. Oh so Clueless I thought! and I imagined it to go with pretty much everything, I was right. I seem to pair it with long sleeve crops, baggy tops tucked in or my favourite, which is my super fluffy jumper from H&M. I never really use to buy anything from New Look, it wasn't really a shop I ever went in, but they've got some lovely little bits in there lately. What do we think to my little hat that I bought for just £1.40?! I don't think I've ever bought a hat that's so cheap, yet it looks like it's worth a lot more than a couple of quid. I'm still on the look out for my Winter coat as I've had no luck as of yet. Any Recommendations? 

Chanelle Jade


Style Lux is an online website that covers a wide range of products such as these 'Blackhead killer' sachets. There are 5 sachets included in each pack and each sachet contains 10ml of product. (see link above)

"Blackhead Killer is a revolutionary face mask that removes pimples, blackheads, impurities, and excess oilin just minutes. Not weeks, not days, not even hours. Just minutes!"

I was quite surprised when I pealed back the strip and I could see a dark mask in the packet. I've never tried a black face mask before, have you? It was quite a laugh applying the face mask anyway. It never occurred to me that I'd actually end up looking like a human black head haha!

How I applied the face mask:
1. Tie back your hair to make sure there's no fly away hairs that are going to get in your way.
2. You'll then need to cleanse your face thoroughly with clean water to make sure theirs no dirt remaining on your face, also make sure that your face is dry before applying the face mask.
3. Open the packet and apply to your face. Please make sure that you don't get any of the face mask near your eyes or mouth (it will hurt).
4. Leave the mask on for roughly 10 minutes or so.
5. Peal away the face mask and then follow with a nice toner and moisturiser.

& wah laaaah you're all finished!

I found that the face mask was really easy to apply just as easy as it was to remove, thank god for pealing face masks eyy.There's nothing worse than those masks that dry/crack and end up all over your carpet. Blackhead Killer is a face mask that is made up from all-natural herbal ingredients, so you are completely safe to use this mask. Although I would just state to be a little careful around any sensitive areas that you may have. Mine felt like a wax when I was pealing it away! It does this to peal away any blackheads, dead skin cells so I'd say the pain is worth it (it's not that bad) and it hasn't harmed my skin in any way, shape or form. Once I had removed the mask my skin was left feeling super soft and my face felt and looked a lot cleaner. What is also great is that the product has a 100% money back guarantee, so if you've found that the product didn't work for you the first time you can get your money back.

Now I do suffer with hormonal acne and I am just going through the process of trying to treat it with an oral pill so it's not going to be a life saver, but I did find that the masks did lift any blackheads that I had around my forehead, nose and chin. So I will definitely be using these again in future when I have any blackhead breakouts. What do you like to use on your skin when having a breakout?

Here we have the human blackhead
Go on have a little giggle :)

Chanelle Jade

Thursday, 2 October 2014



We are finally in October! YAY! This has to be one of my favourite months of the year. I think it may have something to do with the leaves dropping, pulling out those old sweaters for my late night dog walks, the dark nights/mornings and the fact that Halloween is not too far away!

So firstly, can we just appreciate this dress please? The shape, print, style, just everything...
The print on this dress is frickin' awesome! I love anything covered in moons, stars, aliens, anything weird etc. There's something very 90's about this one & it's also really, really comfy so we can get away with it on those 'fatty crappy' days us ladies seem to have every now again. I was tempted to buy this print in the crop top, but then I came across this dress on Depop selling for just £14.00 rather than the RRP of £35.00... bargain! I did well didn't I?

I still seem to be loving my H&M trench coat, but I'm on the look out for a new A/W coat. I want two in fact, one that's warm and snugly (preferably a fluffy'un) and then one that looks really nice if popping out somewhere a little fancy. I saw some cute fluffy one's in Primark the other day, but they didn't have my size *sad face*. Have you got your Winter coat yet? 

Chanelle Jade
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I do try to reply to most of the comments left under my blog posts, but sometimes it is hard to comment on every single one. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog & I hope that you will be back to read more <3

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- @chanellejadebb

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