Friday, 3 January 2014

Best Of 2013.

So I thought I'd write up a quick post of my most used and loved products from 2013. I tried to limit it down to 5 of each, which was really hard! I love reading these kind of posts as anything someone re-purchases is appealing to me.

Favourite Body Finds
1. Soap & Glory - Girlingo - A spray on moisturiser that's so quick and easy to use.
2. Burberry Body - Perfume - This has to be my all time favourite perfume! 
3. Estee Lauder - Day Wear - Oil Free Moisturiser. How could I not include this one? I've raved and raved about it so much over 2013 haha!
4. Mario Badescu - Buffering Lotion - For anyone that suffers with cystic spots (those spots that stay under your skin for ages) I really recommend this. It's made a huge change in my skin!
5. Soap & Glory - Peaches and Clean - 3 in 1 wash off - Absolutely LOVE this one. I use to feel quite down about my skin, but this has changed the way my skin looks and feels. Making my skin look more radiant and just wow after a bath.

Favourite Beauty Finds
1. Sleek - Blusher in Flushed - You only need a little bit of the gorgeous blush, but it's perfect for a natural 'flushed' colour to the cheeks especially over A/W.
2. MAC - Eyeshadow in Woodwinked - I wear this everyday without fail! I'm so glad I was introduced to it as I never really wore bronze eyeshadows previously. I think it's thee BEST eyeshadow I own.
3. MAC - Studio Fix Fluid - I was quite scared to try this one as it breaks people out pretty bad, but I love it and thankfully haven't had any side affects. The colour match is just perfect and it lasts all day long without having to re-apply.
4. Real Techniques - Expert Face Brush - I'll never use a foundation brush again!
5. theBalm - Mary-Lou Manizer- Highlighter - This has to be the best highlighter I own. Nothing but love for this one.
6. NYX - Pump It Up Lipgloss in the shade Kim - I've worn this near enough everyday since I purchased it and I've just re-ordered it as I'm running low. It's a nice natural looking gloss with the plumping effect. If you're a sucker for a nude lip like Kim K you'll love this one.

So there we are...
My favourite products from 2013. Are any of these listed in your favourites?
I'd love to know your top 5?
Happy New Year to all you lovely readers! 

Chanelle Jade



  1. I really like your mix of products, some drugstore and some high end. Thanks for this post. I love girligo too, one of my favs! :-)

    Helen Xx

    1. It's good to mix things up a little isn't it :)
      Definitely! Easy to use, smells amazing and absorbs quick! xx

  2. i personally love some of these products and youve just given me new ones to try out! xx

    i've also currently got a big pamper-pack giveaway on my blog :)

    1. I love these kind of posts! Although it's not good for my bank account haha
      I'll be sure to check it out lovely :) xx

  3. The only thing here I've tried is the Peaches and clean which I got from the Yule Monty gift set just before Christmas. I've only used it a couple of times but I like it. My top 5 skincare and makeup products are on my blog if you fancy a nosey xx

    Becky @ The Little Blog of Beauty

    1. It's amazing isn't it? I've been using it every night and my skin seems to look a whole lot better and it gives it a bit of a glow when I've got out of the bath instead of being dull and yucky! I'll make sure I have a look lovely :) xx

  4. I have so many similar faves to you... great taste! Make sure you check out my MAC Giveaway lovely and happy new year!!

    1. I must have good taste then eyy! haha :) I'll have a look lovely xx

  5. Love your post. I have always wanted to try Mac Woodwinked. Maybe this year I will actually go and buy it!

    1. YES! I highly recommend this eyeshadow.. All time favourite! xx

  6. Great post hun! I love love love soap and glorys girligo :) and I need another mac eyeshadow to complete my quad, I may have to try woodwinked :) Abbie xxx

    1. Yes, yes, YES!! Try Woodwinked.. You won't regret it I'm sure! xx

  7. I was thinking of doing a top 10 or so favorite products of 2013... But I couldn't limit myself so I trashed the idea, haha. I've gotta get myself a bottle of Peaches and Clean sometime, I always hear wonderful reviews about Soap and Glory products. I really like RT brushes too. All of the ones I've tried are nothing short of super :)

    becky /

    1. It was hard for me too haha! I could of added so many more :o It's hard because you've got to mix it up a little as well. Definitely recommend the RT brushes and the Peaches & Clean - amazing like most of their stuff! xx

  8. Really really want mary-luminiser!

    Georgina at

  9. Great review think I may have to check out Peaches and Clean a go. I was wondering how quickly does the Girlingo absorb into your skin? I hate feeling sticky after moisturising! Thanks

    Love Lana xx

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Really need to start on a MAC palette, so many people have them!
    Great little post though! :)
    Elephant stories and more

  12. Really love this post - I can now be one step closer to looking as gorge as you aha! With the buffering lotion is this for those ratchet red spot type things you get on your arms?

    oodles of love, rheya x | PixiRella

  13. I am 100% going to try out the Mario Badescu buffering lotion, I've been getting random under the skin pimples on my chin that won't bugger off haha so this could be the cure!?!
    I got Woodwinked for Christmas & love it, such an easy shade to wear isn't it.
    Great picks huni :)

    Maybe Its Megan Leigh xx

  14. omg i need to try the nyx gloss. i love kimmy k and her makeup... she is like my makeup idol! xxx

  15. I need.. to test out this perfume when in boots, pick up a sleek brush, and try and figure out what mac foundation colour I am! Hehe I love these posts! X

  16. I have Burberry Body.. I love it! I'm also a huge fan of Marylou manizer! Great blog! I'm a new follower :)


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