You may already know if you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, but if you don't ... Well surprise ha! We have a baby due on the 10th July 2017. How exciting!!! I never thought I'd be typing one of these posts, but here I am typing away and in my second trimester now. This post ought to be a big apology to my family and friends for putting up with me for the first 12 weeks as I was one hormonal mess. I don't think anyone dare speak to me (oops). There were a few things that helped was me such as me time, bubble baths, binge watching TV/YouTube video, eating lots of chicken nuggets, ginger tea, lemon infused water. I'll stop rabbiting on now and let you read my post below as it's going to be a long en'.
Finding Out | 19th November 2016
We'd got back from being away on holiday in Mexico and I'd been taking the pill to delay my period whilst we were there. Getting back I stopped taking the pill and one week later I still had no period. I of course googled it and some people had got their period a week later or before. I just knew something wasn't right I'd gipped a few times as well, but didn't even click on. So I decided to take a test and it came up positive within seconds and then I did another 2 tests I think. When my partner got home later that day I gave him the test and said "we have a problem haha". We were both in total shock, but once we decided what we wanted to do we were over the moon.
The First Trimester
I had my first appointment with the Midwife on the 13th December 2016. It felt really weird as I'd still not got my head around being pregnant yet and there we were talking birth plans, which hospital I wanted to give birth at etc. It's a little daunting at first, but that feeling soon starts to fade and the excitement starts sink in and it's such an amazing feeling when it does.
- Hormonal! I felt really snappy/argumentative towards everyone (whoops).
- Morning sickness I felt sick pretty much all day/night for the first 12 weeks. It affecting me more on a night than in the day. I would just gip all day instead. Brushing my teeth in a morning/night was so awful as it was making me throw up a lot. I tried ginger biscuits, ginger tea etc. The only thing that worked for me was those bands that are like travel sickness bands.
- Extreme tiredness! The first 12 weeks were really hard when it came to this as I'm usually full of beans so I just felt really poop! I think I wore the same gravy stained top for 5 days straight. I just really couldn't be arsed to get ready and do anything. I wanted to stay in bed or just nap on the sofa.
- Sore/tender breast. Ouch!
- Peeing all the time.
- Migraines.
- Very strong sense of smell. I now hate the smell of bleach!
- Chicken nuggets were my first food craving and have become an every day snack. 6 chicken nuggets here, 6 chicken nuggets there.
- Spicy and salty food mmm! Bombay bad boy pot noodles, jalapenos straight out of the jar or on the side of my plate with every meal, Nando's hot sauce on literally anything or everything.
- McDonald's Burgers are forever on my mind. My mouth is watering as soon as I see the advert on TV. Basically I've wanted to eat anything and everything unhealthy!
- Sparkling flavoured water.
- Sour food.
- Gherkins.
- I no longer love coffee :( this was the first thing I went off. I no longer wanted my second coffee in a morning and then the first became a struggle to drink.
- Chocolate.
- I couldn't drink anything other than water, which isn't a bad thing I suppose.
We were both excited for the our first scan, we were counting down the weeks/days until it arrived on the 11th January. Our appointment was first thing in the morning thankfully and the letter said that I needed to drink one and a half pints one of water an hour before our appointment. So that I did and boy did I feel like I was going to explode! We got in the room and the sonographer got me to lay on the bed. I was so excited! As soon as I saw the baby I felt really emotional and so happy. Ben was laughing at how much the little baby was moving and being stubborn when the lady wanted to take the measurements. He said it definitely takes after you for stubbornness haha. Now we can't wait for our 20 week scan to find out what gender the baby will be.
Telling Family & Friends
I'd told my two closest friends pretty much as soon as I found out and one of my sisters. Me and my boyfriend then decided to tell all of our family on Christmas day. It felt really awkward to just say "We're pregnant!". So we decided to write it in their Christmas cards and got them to read it out loud. "Love from Me, Ben & Baby Flanny". My dad had no words haha! As he always thought I'd only ever be a mum to dogs (me too actually). My mum was quite emotional and desperate to go 'baby shopping'. Ben's Grandad cried. His mum was shocked and my sister was screaming with excitement. It was just so nice to see and it really made our Christmas Day.
You couldn't tell I was pregnant there was no bump in sight or anything just yet and I hadn't put on any weight as I'd lost some due to the morning sickness.
Do I have a pregnancy glow yet? Is this even real? Haha! I think I sat in the same gravy stained top for 5 days straight. I didn't want to brush my hair or anything. Although I'm glad I haven't had any breakouts yet *touches wood*.
First Purchase
Was the baby grow in the picture above eeeeeeek. It's so cute!
Not yet but I can't wait!
All in all the first trimester was a little tough for me especially with the nausea and tiredness, but it was so worth it. I'll never forget the feeling I got from seeing our little baby on the screen for the first time. Its just so amazing. Hang on in there if you're still in your first trimester, it does get better. I'm so intrigued to know what your first trimester was like? And do we think the baby is team pink or blue?
Let me know if theres anything else you'd like to know or see thats pregnancy related.
Chanelle Jade
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