Monday, 10 November 2014


The weather seems to be getting colder recently and there's nothing better than putting your feet up on a night along with your favourite candle glistening in the corner. Now this is new for me as I've always bought the jars from Yankee Candle, but it was time for a change and I was quite intrigued by these little wax tarts. 

All you have to do is place the wax tart into a burner and place an unscented tea light below. Give the wax time to melt, as this happens the fragrance will be released. You can also mix and match your tarts to create your own scent. Each Yankee Tart lasts up to 8 hours scent wise that is, I have also found that some last longer than this. This is a great way to test out new scents and have a new fragrance in the house more often. Another little tip is to break the tart in to two pieces and use just one piece at a time, that's if you're like me and like to change your tarts quite regularly.

The November Rain scent is described as 'quiet interlude of the season is reflected in this airy, refreshing mix of watery leaf notes, warm amber and crisp, brisk air' and I couldn't agree more. November Rain is a quite a strong, fresh scented candle and you can really feel the season when you light this one. I purposely didn't light mine until November either because of the name, is that pathetic? haha. November Rain has to be one of my favourite Yankee Candle scents that I've tried so far and let me tell you I've tried plenty. 

Yankee Candle have some nice burners that you can buy online and in certain stores that usually range around the £10 mark. The one in the picture above is just a cheap one from B&M that cost me 99p. The tarts are usually around £1.20, but they usually have a few on offer online. 

Have you tried November Rains before? What's your favourite Yankee Candle?

Chanelle Jade


  1. i love this kind of products lots of love

  2. we're going to go ahead and admit it...we've never tried any yankee candles before!! we're going to have to though because this sounds amazing!!

    M + K

    1. :O my jaw is on the floor!
      you'll have some kind of addiction once you start ladies - just saying ha xxx

  3. This scent sounds amazing, I will definitely have to check this one out - love your burner too! :)

    Style Sunrise ☀


    1. it really is the one for the colder seasons :) thank you karen xxx

  4. Erugh I need a BM store near me. I am always worried I would make a mess with the tarts, wax everywhere. This is one I haven't tried, and the name doesn't sound too appealing, but this is going on my to sniff list!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

    1. all I do is light them for a little while until the bottom of the tart softens and then just remove quickly and wipe out the inside or sometimes i may use a knife, but you can mark the pot doing this so the other method is better :) it's so nice - I'm really into these kind of scents lately x x

  5. When it comes to candles and scents, I can't resist a fruity smell. With Yankee Candle, I love the Bahama Breeze scent -- it smells like a delicious fruity cocktail! I have yet to find out how to change tarts without making a mess - for some reason mine doesn't come off easy... :( xx

    Shaqinah from Shoes & Roses

    1. yeah I really like the smell of bahama breeze too, I once got it in a jar form, but the scent wasn't very strong. I'll have to try it in a tart form to see if that's any better :) I just light them for a little while until the bottom of the tart softens and then just remove quickly and wipe out the inside, this is not messy at all just have a bin ready :) xxx

  6. If it has Amber in it, then i'm allllll over it! I LOVE tartes of the Yankee Candle kind haha, i've always got one burning, At the moment i'm loving 'Honey Glow' & 'Champaca Blossom' xxx

    1. yeah I'm the same! I'm a sucker for anything with amber in it too :) ooo I haven't tried either of those two tarts... I'll definitely pick them up next time I'm out shopping :) xxxx

  7. I've actually only judt bought my first ever Yankee Candle after reading so much about them! I love it, definitely up for a Yankee tarte! I do get bored of scents quite easily.

    Hannah xx

    1. yeah i like a change of scent quite quickly too and these tarts are the best for that :) I hope you enjoy :D xxxxxxxx

  8. I've never tried Yankee Candles but I really want to


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