Monday, 5 January 2015



First of all I hope you've all had an amazing Christmas and that you haven't had to nurse too many hangovers (jokes that's what the Christmas period is for right?) Let me just tell you that I was nursing the biggest hangover on Boxing Day and I cringed like mad when I pressed the little Facebook app that morning. There I was dancing on a table swinging a vodka bottle between my legs and knocking some expensive champagne all over the walls. I was heading for a bollocking, but it surprisingly went down quite smoothly since the majority of us was already pissed at this point! Did you have any eventful drunken days over the Christmas period? Please tell... I will feel 1,000x better about myself ha ha! Anyway, earlier that morning I woke up next to my little brother in bed. I couldn't wait to wake him up and shout 'IT'S CHRISTMAS!' I combed my hair back and made sure I was some what suitable for any Christmas photos that may crop up. Then I woke him up... and the rest of the house. It's always me ha! There's no finer feeling than seeing all your loved one's so excited and just so happy to be within each others company Christmas morning. I couldn't wait to open my presents and for one of my dads bacon sandwich specials that we have every Christmas morning - YUM-EEE. My house is quite manic Christmas day as I have a huge family (3 brothers, 3 sisters and a whole load of nieces and nephews). As you can imagine it's very busy, everyone comes round to my mums at some point through the morning and then joins us again later on for a few drinks and a good laugh. We had a lovely day this year, although I missed that one person ever so much 'Merry Christmas Auntie Debs' is all I had in my head as I was knocking back my cocktails. She would of laughed her socks off, she probably did in fact. I wouldn't of been able to get through the hard times this year without my family, friends and boyfriend. Thank you to you all!

 I did say that I was going to try and make this Christmas as special as I could as my family had a pretty shitty year in 2014 as you can imagine and I'm honestly so glad to see the back of it. Thankfully we had a great day, I was dreading it kind of if I'm completely honest. I'm so lucky to have a family like mine, we stick by each other through thick and thin.

So I'd just like to say a big THANK YOU as I have been well and truly spoilt this year and I'm ever so grateful. So I'd like to say a massive thank you to my family, boyfriend and friends for spoiling me rotten and just to remind you all... it's my birthday in Feb ha ha! I hope you've enjoyed seeing some of my Christmas snippets. I can't believe it's all over again and I'm now trying to get on with my New Years resolution. I wonder how long it will last this year? 

Chanelle Jade


  1. I love your Christmas pics! That sounds like my kinda Christmas Day!! Haha! xoxo

  2. aww thank you :) didn't include any family photos really as I don't know if they want to be all over the internet haha! We would get on like an house on fire then guuuuurl ;) xxx

  3. Happy New Year love! Glad to hear you had a cracking Christmas Day.. I think my mum and auntie were in a similar state to you ;) I couldn't drink though cos I was working 8-5 on Boxing Day!! :'( but made up for it Boxing Night haha! Hope you're well my lovely xxxxxx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

    1. Happy New Year to you too lovely! Haha that sounds right up my street ;) I hope you got some video evidence of them too. Did they pay the price the next day? I was nursing a bucket from 6am until 3pm and the boyfriend had left me to go to football, horrible ha!
      Ahh maybe you'll be able to do it this year though bless you hun! xxxxxxxx

  4. Happy new year to you ! All the best !



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