Friday, 11 April 2014

Brighton - Lifestyle Post.

It's been a while since I've done any kind of lifestyle post hasn't it? As you may know (if you follow me via Twitter, Instagram etc.) I've been away from home this week as I've been down South to visit my sister and in laws to be (one day) she hopes haha. I've been everywhere... I feel like I've taken part in the bloody marathon that we watched earlier this week.

I think if I could choose somewhere to live in the UK I'd definitely go for Brighton. It's just so pretty and laid back. You see we don't have a beach back at home, which kind of sucks. You can't beat a stroll across the beach front on a warm day or on a Spring/Summer night, it completes me. How gay do I sound? ha! You know what I mean.

So I've been all over... From Sheffield to London, London to Brighton - where I did lots of shopping in the North Lanes. If you like vintage/quirky one off items you'll love it down there. Then I went back to London to have a good day out shopping. It rained the FULL day I was there. I looked like a drowned rat! No joke. I picked up some little treats in Selfridges though and was in my element in the M&M store. Then we went to Thorpe Park one of the days and I really enjoyed it. Probably one of the funniest days I've had in years. My sister was in tears on so many rides. The wuss! I'm such an adrenaline junkie! The closest theme park to me back home is Alton Towers. Have you ever been before? It;s just as good, but doesn't have a Stealth there unfortunately. I love that ride!
On Sunday me and my sister had walked a few miles down to the beach to the finish line to see some of the marathon runners. Who may I add had just ran 26.2 miles! Bloody bonkers if you ask me. When we decided to go and take a seat on the beach. You can't beat a bit of sea breeze. When we were sitting there these two men and their lovely partners had gone down to the sea to take pictures with their medals. When both men got down on one knee and proposed to the lovely girls shown in the pictures. I really did have a lump in my throat! (It takes a lot, I'm not very out there with my emotions) haha. I've never in my life witnessed a proposal! This was one of the cutest things my eyes have ever laid eyes on.

Can I just say if anyone is from the Brighton/London Southern area and has any idea who this is/could be that's featured in the pictures below. Please let me know! I'd love to forward on the pictures as I'm sure they would be very sentimental one day. Thank you!

Absolutely beautiful. 

I hope that you enjoyed our little catch up. I'll make sure I get back to my usual posts as soon as possible. I don't want to bore you guys to death with my day to day life! Do I?

Chanelle Jade


  1. What beautiful pictures, Chanelle! I absolutely love your architecture over there in the UK-it's absolutely stunning.

    I think I could literally spend all day in that M&M shop and that was so lovely of you to photograph those mens proposals-what a gem! I hope that you find out who those people are!



    1. aww thank you shree :)
      I hope that these pictures get to then one day as well. I'm sure they'd love to get hold of them. I could do with getting people to share/retweet them on twitter etc. hope all is well hunnie xx

  2. Aww those pictures of the proposals are so sweet! Hope you can find out who they where :)
    I've never been to Brighton but I will have to take a trip some day, it looks gorgeous!

    Lauren |

    1. It's amazing!
      I definitely want to live there and hopefully I will one day. I hate not having a beach near me. You should definitely go when you get the chance :) xx

  3. Aw my god that is so cute! :O I would love something like that to happen to me one day.. That's if anyone is nuts enough to want to marry me haha. Looks like you had a lovely time! xx

    1. I know! ahh. It made me well up and haha I'm sure it won't be long ;) hope all is well sweetie :) x x


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