Thursday, 24 April 2014

MAC - Fix +

Let me just start off by saying I will repurchase this until the day that I die. Woah! That was a bit heavy. Sorry haha! If I'm honest I'd never really heard or seen much about the MAC Fix + before. Maybe I've been living under a rock or maybe it's one of those products everybody loves and doesn't want to share with anybody else? Hmme.
I purchased this product in the travel size as I wasn't too sure if I was going to like it or not. The travel size bottle contains 30ml and costs just £6.00 or you can purchase the full size bottle that contains 100ml for £14.50. I don't think that's bad in price at all. Mine has barely budged and I've been using it everyday for about 2 weeks now. As you can see the top has two option one for locking, which is super handy and one for spraying - it does spray even. 

How I use MAC Fix + (after applying my moisturiser).

  • Brighten and soften your face - at arms length I spray my face before applying my daily make up.
  • Thick foundations or concealers? - Use a bit of Fix + to dilute them down, which will make them easier to apply. I find this works great with the MAC pro longwear concealer. As you'll know it dries very quick and is hard to budge. 
  • Set you make up and give it that dewy finish - by spraying again once you've applied all your make up. Don't you just hate that powdery finish some products have? This will add a dewy glow. Making you look super healthy. 
  • Pack on loose shadows or pigments - spray your make up brush with Fix + before dipping into the pot and tapping off any excess before applying to your lid. You'll find that it makes the colours you use appear brighter too.
  • Keep it close by - pop the little beauty into your handbag and spray away as the day goes on. To make sure your face is looking super fresh and dewy as the hours pass by.

So as you can see you can use this little gem for all sorts. I will definitely be back to buy the full size bottle as soon as I run out. Have you tried Fix + yet? or anythign similar?

chanelle jade


  1. Great post ! :) so many ways to use this! It sounds like the answer to my dreams !! I am reading this on the bus as I head into town... I have a funny feeling I shall be popping into my MAC counter haha!


    1. ot ohh! did you end up in mac? haha!
      it really is great though :) I use it every day without fail x

  2. Fix plus is my ride or die! I've just run out and need to buy a new one! xx

  3. I love this stuff! I always use this for applying pigments and really metallic eyeshadows, it makes the colours turn out so much more vibrant with hardly any fall out
    great post Chanelle :)
    Bea x
    Bea's Beauty Blog

    1. it does doesn't it :)
      thank you brittany xx

  4. Lovely post! I hope my nearest MAC store has this when I go in, as now I totally want it! It sounds amazing :) ♥

    J4mieJohnston · Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

    1. I hope so too! you need this product in your life :) xx

  5. lovely post i like this product from MAC! im a big MAC fan! lots of love, x

    1. me too! they have a great range don't they :) x

  6. Great one !

  7. I LOVEEEEEEE this stuff!!!!!! Great post my lovely!! Mwah!! XxX

  8. This has been on my wish list for a while now, need to get my act together and buy it!

    Belle ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

    1. I definitely recommend! even if you just try the mini bottle like me :) xx

  9. Oh my god how adorable is that tiny bottle?! I love it! I so want to try this as it sounds so lovely and versatile xxx

    Gemma //

    1. it's the perfect size for my handbag haha!
      super versatile! I can't believe I've been without it for so long xx

  10. I love this stuff! I'm so glad you like it too! <3

    Megan xxx
    Thumbelina Lillie | UK Beauty Blog

    1. yes! thank you for the recommendation little lady :)
      I don't know how I've coped without it! xx

  11. I need this in my life cant believe I haven't tried it!! not for much longer though lol xxxx

    Laura | Tease Flutter Pout

    1. duh duh duhhhh...
      haha! I hope you like it just as much as me xx


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