Friday, 16 May 2014


My oh my TRIANGL you've killed it! 
Who doesn't want this jaw dropping piece in their S/S 14 collection? How beautiful can one bikini be? 

When I took the swimwear out of the bag I was quite intrigued by the material as it felt really thick and I was quite curious as to how it would be comfortable on. TRIANGL swimwear is made from a material called neoprene, which is the same material that wet suits are made from. Boy, was I wrong. The swimwear fit like a glove. It sucks me in, in all the right places without feeling strangled. Not having to worry about being cold around the top area too girls. 

I went for XS in the top and bottoms. I could of probably done with a small in the bottoms as the sizing is quite small.  The bikini came with a cute little bag to match the bikini. It also states to keep the bag, swimwear out flat to prevent any creases, but if creases do occur then you can just turn the swimwear inside out and iron. 

If you follow me on Instagram already you'll have seen just how amazing this bikini is already and how amazed I was last week when I received this gorgeous bikini in the post. If I were wearing mine on holiday I'd definitely pair it with a black lace kimono (primark sell cheap ones) and a big floppy hat. I can't wait to show off in my gorgeous bikini this summer! 

TRIANGL is the must have bikini this year girls! 
Please check out their website to see the rest of their available swimwear and underwear collection. I'm already contemplating buying this set in another colour. 

Chanelle Jade 


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GIVE AWAY  - Click Here


  1. Love these bikinis!! Shame I'm not going on a beach holiday this year :( boooooo! Looks gorgeous on you though! x

    1. amazing aren't they!! ahh no :( I don't have anything booked as of yet either, but we usually get a late cancellation or something. Hopefully the sunshine will stay like it has all weekend :) xx

  2. Ahh just love these bikinis really want one :) they are gorgeous!! xxx

  3. I LOVE these bikinis and I get so jealous when I see people have got one. I really am going to have to purchase one! Gorgeous bikini xx
    Be sure to check out my MAC lipstick giveaway!!

    1. haha! so gorgeous aren't they :)
      I'd definitely recommend sweetie xx

  4. These look absolutely GORGE! x

    1. imagine how much they'd make your tan stand out :o

  5. I need this for my holiday, I literally think they have quite literally produced the perfect bikini! Yours is such a nice colour too xxx

    1. AGREED! The only problem is that I want them all now haha x

  6. I would love one of these, if we have a lush summer - I'm getting one! haha. the colour looks so great with your tan, hottie! x

    1. I really like the turquoise one too! I could sit in my garden in it all day every day haha xx

  7. Such a gorgeous bikini, love the peachy colour!

  8. This bikini is gorgeous !

  9. Oh my gosh.. isn't it beautiful?! I bet you look amazing in this gorgeous girl xx

    Gemma // Miss Makeup Magpie

  10. I would kill for a Triangl bikini! Yours is such a pretty colour x

    1. I really love the colour of this one and the turquoise ones :) xx

  11. hmm looks very good i love this color orange! lots of love, x

  12. You are so lucky girl - this is such a gorgeous colour. Cant stress enough how everyone should head over to Chanelle's Instagram and have a peek at it on - fyaaaah aha!

    xxx | PixiRella

  13. what a gorgeous bikini, I love the bright, neon peachy colour!

  14. I really want a Triangl Bikini but they don't do the exact one I want in my size.. so not sure whether its worth getting one if it isn't the one I Reaaally want! they look so beautiful though! may just give in ha


  15. TRIANGL twiinnnnnns! I absolutely love the neon orange (which, as you know, I have). It looks perfect with a tan! My sizing was a little off as well-oops! Guess we know that for next time ;)

    When I went to Hawaii all my TRIANGL suits got wrinkled so I guess I'll be having to iron them. One complaint I have is that they are seriously hard to pack having to keep completely flat 24/7!


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