Wednesday, 4 February 2015


Hey anyway cheekies! I hope you're all doing well. I haven't done an outfit post in what feels like forever! So whilst it's not snowing outside I thought I'd jump at the chance of getting some blog photos done. God damn you shitty lighting in the colder seasons. I seem to be swearing a lot today - potty mouth. It's that dreaded hump day it gets me every time. 

Here I'm wearing my favourite skinnies that I own from Topshop. I think white jeans really make a difference in an outfit, they really do stand out. See this outfit would probably of looked really dull and boring if I would of just banged on my everyday black jeans. We've gotta love a bit of monochromeeee from time to time. Sometimes you've gotta step out of that black clothing circle, even if it hurts ha. Can you tell I've used a different camera lens in these photos? I think they look a lot better than the photos I've previously used for outfit posts (I hope you all think the same) ha and yes, my back yard does look like some kind of scrap yard (tip) the shitty weather has taken its toll. I must admit that I do quite like it though.

Oh yeah! Have we noticed anything new *hint hint* my new pet by any chance? I actually have 3, but you can only see one here. HELLO PET DREADS! This one is Pirate and he was my first so it's true love. I really wish I was cool enough to rock a full head of dreads... I'd end up looking like that Cindy doll off Rugrats if I tried. Eeeeeeek you've gotta love em'. 

Chanelle Jade 
hat - charity shop
necklace - missguided
coat - h&m
top - primark (then made into a crop)
jeans - topshop
boots - h&m



  1. Replies
    1. they are I need to add to the collection :) xx

  2. Lovely outfit !

    Win Makeup Revolution full skincare collection !

  3. I want your hair colour next! x

  4. Gorgeous outfit - definitely need to get down to H&M to find those boots! Your make up looks lovely too btw :)

    Beth // Bethany Georgina

    1. n'aww thanks beth :)
      h&m are really good for boots - I've got my eye on another pair already! xx


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