Wednesday, 22 April 2015



I'm seriously loving white accessories at the moment. I honestly can't get enough so when I saw these cute little sunglasses in Primark last week I had to pick them up. Now I've always been a fan of circle framed glasses or anything that looks like a 'John Lennon' pair. Do you feel comfortable wearing these kind of glasses? Whilst I was in Primark I also picked up this military style dress, which is very light weight and not too clingy on the bod, which will be great throughout the S/S this year. They also did this dress in navy and khaki I think? But I decided to go for black as I didn't have anything in this style in the colour black.

How gorgeous has it been recently? I definitely made the most of it this weekend whilst I was babysitting for my two nieces and nephew. We decided to go to the park and me and my boyfriend seemed to have more fun than the kids. We spent our weekend playing on the park, climbing trees, playing crazy golf and had a water fight in the garden. Did you get up to much this weekend?

Chanelle Jade

Fedora: Charity shop
Sunglasses: Primark
Dress: Primark
Bag: H&M
Shoes: Public desire


  1. Gorgeous outfit, gorgeous lady gorgeous photos! Xxxx

  2. Girl you look amazing!! I seriously need to get one of those little dresses. They'll be perfect for days out in the summer and nice and cool too as it's not too clingy. I love your outfits. Hope all is good with you babe xxxx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

    1. aww thanks so much jessie! you're always so kind :)
      such a great dress for just £13 i believe xxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. That primark dress is stunning it looks v expensive I think, you look perfect in the utility trend and I adore those sunglasses. Basically you just look FAB! xx

    1. and you are just a babe mwaaaaaah!! love ya sweetie xxxxxxxx

  4. Stunning outfit, your dress is so pretty and I always think those floppy hats look so beautiful and classy!

  5. Absolutely love this outfit!


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