Sunday, 4 August 2013

Paige Toon.

Lucy In The Sky
Paige Toon

I know this is a different post to usual, but I couldn't help but blab about this book!
I couldn't put the bloody thing down.

Sooooo... Before last week I'd never heard of the author Paige Toon.
I'm a sucker for a good book especially romantic/lovey dovey genre.
But thank heavens I came across her talented books on somebodies Instagram when I was having a quick nosey the other week.
Well after purchasing her first book that was released in 2007.
Lucy In The Sky
Which I have to admit.
 That I read it in a couple of days, totally fell in love with some Australian surfer dude called Nathan & would of done anything to be in Lucy's shoes.
I was sad to finish the book as it made you feel like you were a part of it
*back to reality*

If you haven't read this book already then I highly suggest you to get it.
(download the sampler chapter on amazon first)
just in case it's not your kinda thing.
Well I had a little browse google to find that she had quite a few more books that were released. So I've now purchased the next one that was released after called Johnny Be Good.
It's sucked me in just like Lucy In The Sky did.

Have you read anything similar or by Paige Toon?
I was having a lazy Sunday today. You know the days where you look like a complete dirtbag?
Hair scragged up, Pj's on, No mask on your face.
Well I ended up being a serial shopper online and can't wait for my new items to come!
Finally purchased something off my wishlist hint hint!

P.s how cute is the little bundle of rings next to the book?
4 rings for £1.50
Oh Primarni you know why I love ya!

Chanelle Jade
Instagram: @chanellejade
Twitter: @jadeeplant


  1. I loooove book posts. Going on holiday next week (if I get time off work) so in need of some new books to read. :) I'm reading "The Perfect Match" by Jodi Picoult atm.. Haven't really got into it yet though.

    1. Oh I really recommend Lucy in the sky by Paige Toon then definitely :) You won't be able to put it down she's got quite a few books that are all romantic comedies as well. So you know the next one you read is going to be good as well. I'm onto my 3rd book of hers. What's 'the perfect match' like?
      Chanelle jade x


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