Tuesday, 12 November 2013

MAC Studio Fix Fluid NC30

MAC Studio Fix Fluid is an oil free foundation that has medium-buildable coverage. The foundation is also said to last up to 8 hours without having to touch up, which sounds perfect right? (we all love our long wearing foundations). Now not only that, but it also contains some magical things such as micronized pigments, soft-focus powders that help create a smoother look and it also helps minimise the appearance of imperfections. SOLD.

After reading lots of great reviews about the foundation, I caved and purchased it! Yayyy.
Can you believe it's my first time trying this foundation? Where have I been? I feel quite ashamed of myself haha.
No, not really. I've always been satisfied with my L'Oreal foundations and it scares me a little trying out new ones. It didn't help that I'd previously purchased MAC studio sculpt and didn't get on with it at all. Which is really annoying! Especially when you're paying £20+ for them. I purchased my studio fix fluid online at www.maccosmetics.co.uk for £21.50 along with a few other items. So obviously it cost me a lot more, whoops!
I can't wait to try out the samples they have sent me. As I've heard so many good things about the prep and prime. It's always nice to try before you buy isn't it? Hehe.

Listed below are my thoughts about the foundation after trying it out.

The foundation stays put, which is brilliant as I haven't had to re-apply any of my foundation today.
The coverage is really good. I suffer with acne scaring/marks on my face from time to time and this foundation covers them really well.
Contains special-skin conditioning ingredients
Doesn't settle into any creases on the face.
It's oil free
Doesn't look cakey (that's with the right amount applied and blended in correctly)
Has SPF 15 in it.
A little goes a long way

It comes with no pump, which makes it really hard to get out of the bottle.
It smells like play doh?!
It transfers at first so be careful.

Overall I'm really glad I purchased this foundation and I will definitely purchase it again. I'm a medium/full coverage type of girl and this one is perfect for me. So if you like something with lighter coverage, I doubt this one will work for you. Although it may be a bit too thick for me to use in the summer time. It will definitely be my 'winter and night out ' foundation. The only thing I wish they would change is the scent and of course the pump! Looks like I'll have to purchase one online. Grr. I wonder what foundation I'll try next time? Recommendations welcome.

Have you tried MAC Studio Fix Fluid?
And what is your holy grail foundation?

Chanelle Jade
I would also like to say a big thank you to all you sweet people that follow me via twitter and instagram. For all of your love and support, especially over the weekend. If you don't know already my French Bulldog 'Frenchie' had to be put to sleep on Friday as she were really ill and suffering with a lot of pain. At just 18 months old :( I'm absolutely devastated and it's been an awful weekend for me. So thank you to everyone that reached out to me over the weekend, it really means a lot.
R.I.P sweetheart <3 xx


  1. I haven't tried this foundation and I have heard some mixed reviews about it. What is your skin type, because I have dry skin and I wonder how it holds up with that? I can't stand when foundation do not come with a pump, especially when you are paying what you pay! It should come with, just sayin'!! Great review by the way!!


    1. Totally forgot to pop that into the post, sorry hun! <3 I'm combination.
      It should come with a pump, you're right! I know that you can buy your own but, surely it's more hygienic to come with a new pump every time. It's a pain and just an excuse to spend more money x x

  2. I want to try this foundation but it is too expensive for me. However I've heard a lot of good review for this foundation. Will definitely buy this when I have the extra money. :)
    Great review.
    Sincerely Renny

    1. A little goes a long way with this foundation.. I can see it lasting me quite a few months and I use foundation everyday. Hope you get chance to try it one day sweetie xx

  3. Thanks for the full review, I am thinking of getting a new foundation, still not quite happy with mine ! :)

    1. Which foundation are you using at the minute Sara? Hope you find one suitable soon enough xx

  4. I had no idea she was 18 months, aw bless! hope the little puglets after showing you lots of love.
    Aw, i read the words going out foundation and thought yes! my fav type of foundation. that's so good you received samples, i now have three items on my mac list i really want!

    1. I know lovely :( such a young age. I'm still really upset by it all, although my mum has treated us to a new English bulldog (maybe to take the little ones minds off it).
      It's exactly what I look for too haha. I NEED/love full coverage xx

  5. I ordered this last night. You can get a pump for it for £3.50. A bit annoying that it doesn't come with a pump already, but hey... it definitely makes a difference :) x

    1. Great! Hope you enjoy lovely :)
      I know I really need to get my mits on one xx

  6. This looks like such a good foundation! Pity its $50, one day when I'm rich I'll pick one up haha xxx

  7. I'm so sorry about Frenchie, I can't imagine what you're going through! *hugs*

    This really does sound like a fantastic foundation, it ticks all the boxes I look for in a foundation xxx

    Gemma // missmakeupmagpie.com

    1. Thanks Gemma :) <3 xx
      My next purchase is the NARS one that you rave about ;) haha xx

  8. That looks like a lovely foundation, and you reviewed it really well! Sorry to hear about your dog xxx

    Rachael | overdosedemaquillage.blogspot.com ♥

  9. This looks lovely, really wish i could afford it often! Sorry about Frenchie, I know how you feel :(:(


  10. I'll never understand why some foundations don't come with pumps! But the pros outweigh the cons tremendously with this product! <3 Love the review :)
    -B ♡ MsBerryStylish 

    1. I love doing my pros & cons to justify the expense sometimes hehe <3 xx

  11. This is my all time favourite foundation. I swear by it!


    1. me too :) I haven't reached for my L'Oreal foundation since purchasing this one. Makes me feel bad! xx

  12. I've just purchased this from someone for £13 and after reading this post, I'm glad I did!

    Jess // Coffee and Cosmetics xo

  13. Great review lovely! I love MAC! Beth xo


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